Wednesday, October 19, 2011

#4: Floral nails~
I used: DIANA blue, Rubi Miami coral, Elianto pink, CG Kiwi Cool-ada
1. Base coat again. Importantttt when using blue/green/etc.
You don't want your nails to yellow like mine :'((((
2. Apply your light blue coat~ Got this particular blue from Taiwan..
This brand is like ridiculously cheap (2$/bottle???) & quality's good!
Everytime I go back I stock up like crazy :-)
3. Paint leaves in threes w the side of your brush.
Make sure there isn't too much polish so the leaves are thinner.
This was horrible, I'm sorry I can't really do it tht well just yet :/
4. Apply little blobs of the pink! Whichever pink you want's fine.
I applied the darker pink here, though I'd advise the lighter one first.
Kinda forgot & went "SHIT" right after I did it hahaha. You'll see why
5. Apply the second pink, making it look like petals!
How you wanna do this is up to you, cause it'll look great anyway.
Use the tip of your brush here, & yeh I redid the final img LOL.
Long story cut short, if it's a blue, put your light pink first!!!
But if it's a light colour like yellow, dark pink first will do fine.
& yeppp I had a hard time taking pix of this *_*

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